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沃豪影院提供的《拉马努金29》是一部英语剧情片,是由Abhinay,Vaddi,苏哈西尼,Kevin,McGowan,Bhama,Abbas,Michael,Lieber,Sarath,Babu,Radha,Ravi,Madan,Bob,Richard,Walsh,Y.G.,Mahendran,Manobala,Satish,Kumar,Thalaivasal,Vijay,Mani,Bharathi等演员在导演印度的指导带领下共同拍摄完成后于2014年发行。 除《拉马努金29》影片之外,这里有包括电影电视剧动漫综艺类目等所有影片,尽在沃豪影院,由网友上传。 百度网友评价:《拉马努金29》这部作品在展现社员们的表演也十分出色,他们通过生动的表演将角色的内心世界和社会会冲突方面十分深刻,让观众在观影过程中对社会问题有了更加深入的了解。编剧在创作时注重探讨社会问题和人性弱点,使得故事更加具有现实意义和思考价值。同时,演冲突展现得淋漓尽致。 抖音网友评价:《拉马努金29》中的画面制作十分精良,无论是室内布景还是室外景观都充满了匠心独运。导演在拍摄时注重展现画面的美感和艺术感,使得观众在观影过程中既能够欣赏到美丽的画面又能够感受到故事的情感氛围。 拉马努金29剧情介绍:'Ramanujan' is a historical biopic set in early 20th century British India and England, and revolves around the life and times of the mathematical prodigy, Srinivasa Ramanujan. Directed by the award-winning filmmaker Gnana Rajasekaran and with an international cast and crew, 'Ramanujan' is a cross-border venture. Considered one of the most romantic stories in the history of mathematics, Ramanujan, a college dropout from a poor family in South India, made extraordinary mathematical discoveries in isolation. He wrote a strange letter filled with theorems and formulas to Prof. Hardy of Trinity College, Cambridge, who immediately identified his genius and invited him to England to conduct further research. 'Ramanujan' chronicles the genius' journey across continents and cultures in search of recognition.



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